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In order to visit this site you must be of the legal age to consume alcoholic beverages according to the legislation in force in your country of residence.

The use of this site (henceforth www.gatao.pt ), the responsibility of the Sociedade dos Vinhos Borges, S.A., whose headquarters are situated in Rua D. Henrique 421, 4436-909 Rio Tinto (henceforth designated as SVB), is subject to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy currently in force.
1. Use of the site www.gatao.pt
In using the site www.gatao.pt the User declares that he/she has read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy described below.
The site www.gatao.pt is intended to familiarize the user with the Gatão brand, and he must terminate his visit to this address if:
(i)he does not agree with or accept the Terms and Conditions of Use or the Privacy Policy related to it;
(ii)he has not yet attained the legal age for the consumption of alcoholic beverages according to the legislation in force in his country of residence.
In using the site www.gatao.pt the User undertakes not to commit acts which could damage or harm the image, interests and rights of SVB or of third parties, or which could spoil, harm, cripple or overload the site www.gatao.pt or which could in any way impede normal use of the site www.gatao.pt
2. Privacy
The site www.gatao.pt was developed with the aim of ensuring that the user’s privacy is respected and that his/her personal data are properly safeguarded under the terms of the Lei n.º 67/98 de 26 de outubro (“Data Protection Law”).
This Privacy Policy can be easily accessed on www.gatao.pt .
The term “personal data”, which constitutes part of this policy, is used to define any information, of whatever nature and independently of the respective support in relation to any individual person, identified or identifiable, within the terms of the Data Protection Law. SVB will not handle this person’s personal data without his consent, in the case of this being forbidden by law.
SVB undertakes to comply with the stipulations of the Data Protection Law and other community legislation in force which is applicable to the handling of personal data.
The personal details collected may be circulated on the net without any security conditions applying, enabling them to be viewed and/or used by unauthorized third parties, notwithstanding the fact that appropriate security measures will have been taken against accidental or unauthorized destruction, accidental loss and unauthorized access, modification or unauthorized diffusion.
The SVB will not disclose to third parties the User’s personal details, without the said person’s due authorization, unless it is requested with the cooperation of SVB by any competent authorities for the application of the Law or at the decision of the court, requesting the user’s identification.
The data supplied to this site by the User may be used by SVB to send additional information, which may be considered of interest to the User, as long as the user has given his consent for his personal data to be handled, provided that the User always retains the right to object to this information-communication service through geral@vinhosborges.pt according to the terms of Decreto-Lei n.º 7/2004 de 7 de janeiro.
The user of this site may, at any moment, exercise all the rights recognized by the 10th, 11th and 12th articles of the Data Protection Law, including right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. It is SVB’s intention to ensure that personal details are kept updated, and are accurate and complete. If you intend to access, amend, cancel or object to the handling of your personal data, kindly forward to us a written request to the address indicated in the first paragraph of the present General Terms and Conditions, or communicate by means of geral@vinhosborges.pt
3. Cookies – Storage of information about the User.
Under the terms of Lei n.º 4/2004 de 18 de agosto, the storage of information and the possibility of accessing information stored on a user’s computer (by means of cookies) are only effected by SVB providing the user has given previous consent. www.gatao.pt uses cookies only to improve the navigation experience.
The web server registers and stores only that information which by definition is normally registered by it: the Internet Protocol Address through which the User had internet access; the date and length of time the User has access to the site www.gatao.pt; the address of the internet site from which the User has directly accessed www.gatao.pt.
The aim of collecting this information is to measure the number of visits to the different pages which constitute this site, which will enable SVB to render www.gatao.pt most useful for its users. This information is not used by SVB to track or collect any identifiable personal information of visitors to the site, not even by means of the connection of the IP address with the computer user’s identity.
4. Intellectual Ownership
Under the present Terms and General Conditions (or through access to www.gatao.pt or the utilization of contents or services) we do not surrender any intellectual or industrial property rights relating to www.gatao.pt or to any of its constituent elements, the user being expressly forbidden to reproduce, transform, distribute, publicly disclose, make available, extract, re-use or re-send information of any kind, by any means or procedure, except in cases whereby such is legally permitted or authorized in writing, by the title-holder of the corresponding rights.
SVB understands that all the information which the User supplies to this site, without this constituting a limitation on suggestions, ideas or concepts, is for its exclusive ownership and use, as far as the appropriate current legislation permits. Thus the User accepts that SVB can use any information which he has communicated to this site, without SVB having to communicate with, recompense or recognize the User as a result.
5. Links to other sites
On its site SVB (www.gatao.pt) is making links available to sites of other bodies. The object of making these links available is to make information easier for the User to obtain, which in our opinion may be relevant. SVB is not responsible for any of these sites nor for their contents, due to the fact that the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy here set out do not apply to any of them.
6. Limitation of responsibility
According to what is permitted by the law in force, SVB holds the User of this site responsible for any possible damage, decision, error, including (but without its constituting a limitation) direct, indirect and incidental damage, which could be the result of correct or incorrect use of the site www.gatao.pt and its contents on the part of the User.
7. Various considerations
SVB may, at any time, alter the above Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy without prior notice. The Users of this site are thereby advised to consult the latest information on this subject every so often.
Do not hesitate to contact us concerning any question relating to the Terms and Conditions of Use and to the Privacy Policy by means of the email address: geral@vinhosborges.pt